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Maintainer: cjwbw

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Last updated 5/16/2024
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Model overview

depth-anything is a highly practical solution for robust monocular depth estimation developed by researchers from The University of Hong Kong, TikTok, Zhejiang Lab, and Zhejiang University. It is trained on a combination of 1.5M labeled images and 62M+ unlabeled images, resulting in strong capabilities for both relative and metric depth estimation. The model outperforms the previously best-performing MiDaS v3.1 BEiT<sub>L-512</sub> model across a range of benchmarks including KITTI, NYUv2, Sintel, DDAD, ETH3D, and DIODE.

The maintainer of depth-anything, cjwbw, has also developed several similar models, including supir, supir-v0f, supir-v0q, and rmgb, which cover a range of image restoration and background removal tasks.

Model inputs and outputs

depth-anything takes a single image as input and outputs a depth map that estimates the relative depth of the scene. The model supports three different encoder architectures - ViTS, ViTB, and ViTL - allowing users to choose the appropriate model size and performance trade-off for their specific use case.


  • Image: The input image for which depth estimation is to be performed.
  • Encoder: The encoder architecture to use, with options of ViTS, ViTB, and ViTL.


  • Depth map: A depth map that estimates the relative depth of the scene.


depth-anything has shown strong performance on a variety of depth estimation benchmarks, outperforming the previous state-of-the-art MiDaS model. It offers robust relative depth estimation and the ability to fine-tune for metric depth estimation using datasets like NYUv2 and KITTI. The model can also be used as a backbone for downstream high-level scene understanding tasks, such as semantic segmentation.

What can I use it for?

depth-anything can be used for a variety of applications that require accurate depth estimation, such as:

  • Robotics and autonomous navigation: The depth maps generated by depth-anything can be used for obstacle detection, path planning, and scene understanding in robotic and autonomous vehicle applications.
  • Augmented reality and virtual reality: Depth information is crucial for realistic depth-based rendering and occlusion handling in AR/VR applications.
  • Computational photography: Depth maps can be used for tasks like portrait mode, bokeh effects, and 3D scene reconstruction in computational photography.
  • Scene understanding: The depth-anything encoder can be fine-tuned for downstream high-level perception tasks like semantic segmentation, further expanding its utility.

Things to try

With the provided pre-trained models and the flexibility to fine-tune the model for specific use cases, there are many interesting things you can try with depth-anything:

  • Explore the different encoder models: Try the ViTS, ViTB, and ViTL encoder models to find the best trade-off between model size, inference speed, and depth estimation accuracy for your application.
  • Experiment with metric depth estimation: Fine-tune the depth-anything model using datasets like NYUv2 or KITTI to enable metric depth estimation capabilities.
  • Leverage the model as a backbone: Use the depth-anything encoder as a backbone for downstream high-level perception tasks like semantic segmentation.
  • Integrate with other AI models: Combine depth-anything with other AI models, such as the ControlNet model, to enable more sophisticated applications.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

Related Models

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midas is a robust monocular depth estimation model developed by researchers at the Intelligent Systems Lab (ISL) at ETH Zurich. It was trained on up to 12 diverse datasets, including ReDWeb, DIML, Movies, MegaDepth, and KITTI, using a multi-objective optimization approach. The model produces high-quality depth maps from a single input image, with several variants offering different trade-offs between accuracy, speed, and model size. This versatility makes midas a practical solution for a wide range of depth estimation applications. Compared to similar depth estimation models like depth-anything, marigold, and t2i-adapter-sdxl-depth-midas, midas stands out for its robust performance across diverse datasets and its efficient model variants suitable for embedded devices and real-time applications. Model inputs and outputs midas takes a single input image and outputs a depth map of the same size, where each pixel value represents the estimated depth at that location. The input image can be of varying resolutions, with the model automatically resizing it to the appropriate size for the selected variant. Inputs Image**: The input image for which the depth map should be estimated. Outputs Depth map**: The estimated depth map of the input image, where each pixel value represents the depth at that location. Capabilities midas is capable of producing high-quality depth maps from a single input image, even in challenging scenes with varying lighting, textures, and objects. The model's robustness is achieved through training on a diverse set of datasets, which allows it to generalize well to unseen environments. The available model variants offer different trade-offs between accuracy, speed, and model size, making midas suitable for a wide range of applications, from high-quality depth estimation on powerful GPUs to real-time depth sensing on embedded devices. What can I use it for? midas can be used in a variety of applications that require robust monocular depth estimation, such as: Augmented Reality (AR)**: Accurate depth information can be used to enable realistic occlusion, lighting, and interaction effects in AR applications. Robotics and Autonomous Vehicles**: Depth maps can provide valuable input for tasks like obstacle avoidance, navigation, and scene understanding. Computational Photography**: Depth information can be used to enable advanced features like portrait mode, depth-of-field editing, and 3D photography. 3D Reconstruction**: Depth maps can be used as a starting point for 3D scene reconstruction from single images. The maintainer, cjwbw, has also developed other impressive AI models like real-esrgan and supir, showcasing their expertise in computer vision and image processing. Things to try One interesting aspect of midas is its ability to handle a wide range of input resolutions, from 224x224 to 512x512, with different model variants optimized for different use cases. You can experiment with different input resolutions and model variants to find the best trade-off between accuracy and inference speed for your specific application. Additionally, you can explore the model's performance on various datasets and scenarios, such as challenging outdoor environments, low-light conditions, or scenes with complex geometry. This can help you understand the model's strengths and limitations and inform your use cases.

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The zoedepth model is a novel approach to monocular depth estimation that combines relative and metric depth cues. Developed by researchers at the ISL Organization, it builds on prior work like MiDaS and Depth Anything to achieve state-of-the-art results on benchmarks like NYU Depth v2. Model inputs and outputs The zoedepth model takes a single RGB image as input and outputs a depth map. This depth map can be represented as a numpy array, a PIL Image, or a PyTorch tensor, depending on the user's preference. The model supports both high-resolution and low-resolution inputs, making it suitable for a variety of applications. Inputs Image**: The input RGB image, which can be provided as a file path, a URL, or a PIL Image object. Outputs Depth Map**: The predicted depth map, which can be output as a numpy array, a PIL Image, or a PyTorch tensor. Capabilities The zoedepth model's key innovation is its ability to combine relative and metric depth cues to achieve accurate and robust monocular depth estimation. This leads to improved performance on challenging scenarios like unseen environments, low-texture regions, and occlusions, compared to prior methods. What can I use it for? The zoedepth model has a wide range of potential applications, including: Augmented Reality**: The depth maps generated by zoedepth can be used to create realistic depth-based effects in AR applications, such as occlusion handling and 3D scene reconstruction. Robotics and Autonomous Navigation**: The model's ability to accurately estimate depth from a single image can be valuable for robot perception tasks, such as obstacle avoidance and path planning. 3D Content Creation**: The depth maps produced by zoedepth can be used as input for 3D modeling and rendering tasks, enabling the creation of more realistic and immersive digital environments. Things to try One interesting aspect of the zoedepth model is its ability to generalize to unseen environments through its combination of relative and metric depth cues. This means you can try using the model to estimate depth in a wide variety of scenes, from indoor spaces to outdoor landscapes, and see how it performs. You can also experiment with different input image sizes and resolutions to find the optimal balance between accuracy and computational efficiency for your particular use case.

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The anything-v4.0 is a high-quality, highly detailed anime-style Stable Diffusion model created by cjwbw. It is part of a collection of similar models developed by cjwbw, including eimis_anime_diffusion, stable-diffusion-2-1-unclip, anything-v3-better-vae, and pastel-mix. These models are designed to generate detailed, anime-inspired images with high visual fidelity. Model inputs and outputs The anything-v4.0 model takes a text prompt as input and generates one or more images as output. The input prompt can describe the desired scene, characters, or artistic style, and the model will attempt to create a corresponding image. The model also accepts optional parameters such as seed, image size, number of outputs, and guidance scale to further control the generation process. Inputs Prompt**: The text prompt describing the desired image Seed**: The random seed to use for generation (leave blank to randomize) Width**: The width of the output image (maximum 1024x768 or 768x1024) Height**: The height of the output image (maximum 1024x768 or 768x1024) Scheduler**: The denoising scheduler to use for generation Num Outputs**: The number of images to generate Guidance Scale**: The scale for classifier-free guidance Negative Prompt**: The prompt or prompts not to guide the image generation Outputs Image(s)**: One or more generated images matching the input prompt Capabilities The anything-v4.0 model is capable of generating high-quality, detailed anime-style images from text prompts. It can create a wide range of scenes, characters, and artistic styles, from realistic to fantastical. The model's outputs are known for their visual fidelity and attention to detail, making it a valuable tool for artists, designers, and creators working in the anime and manga genres. What can I use it for? The anything-v4.0 model can be used for a variety of creative and commercial applications, such as generating concept art, character designs, storyboards, and illustrations for anime, manga, and other media. It can also be used to create custom assets for games, animations, and other digital content. Additionally, the model's ability to generate unique and detailed images from text prompts can be leveraged for various marketing and advertising applications, such as dynamic product visualization, personalized content creation, and more. Things to try With the anything-v4.0 model, you can experiment with a wide range of text prompts to see the diverse range of images it can generate. Try describing specific characters, scenes, or artistic styles, and observe how the model interprets and renders these elements. You can also play with the various input parameters, such as seed, image size, and guidance scale, to further fine-tune the generated outputs. By exploring the capabilities of this model, you can unlock new and innovative ways to create engaging and visually stunning content.

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anything-v3.0 is a high-quality, highly detailed anime-style stable diffusion model created by cjwbw. It builds upon similar models like anything-v4.0, anything-v3-better-vae, and eimis_anime_diffusion to provide high-quality, anime-style text-to-image generation. Model Inputs and Outputs anything-v3.0 takes in a text prompt and various settings like seed, image size, and guidance scale to generate detailed, anime-style images. The model outputs an array of image URLs. Inputs Prompt**: The text prompt describing the desired image Seed**: A random seed to ensure consistency across generations Width/Height**: The size of the output image Num Outputs**: The number of images to generate Guidance Scale**: The scale for classifier-free guidance Negative Prompt**: Text describing what should not be present in the generated image Outputs An array of image URLs representing the generated anime-style images Capabilities anything-v3.0 can generate highly detailed, anime-style images from text prompts. It excels at producing visually stunning and cohesive scenes with specific characters, settings, and moods. What Can I Use It For? anything-v3.0 is well-suited for a variety of creative projects, such as generating illustrations, character designs, or concept art for anime, manga, or other media. The model's ability to capture the unique aesthetic of anime can be particularly valuable for artists, designers, and content creators looking to incorporate this style into their work. Things to Try Experiment with different prompts to see the range of anime-style images anything-v3.0 can generate. Try combining the model with other tools or techniques, such as image editing software, to further refine and enhance the output. Additionally, consider exploring the model's capabilities for generating specific character types, settings, or moods to suit your creative needs.

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