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airoboros-llama-2-70b is a large language model with 70 billion parameters, created by fine-tuning the base Llama 2 model from Meta on a dataset curated by Jon Durbin. This model is part of the Airoboros series of LLMs, which also includes the Airoboros Llama 2 70B GPT4 1.4.1 - GPTQ and Goliath 120B models. The Airoboros models are designed for improved performance and safety compared to the original Llama 2 series. Model inputs and outputs Inputs prompt**: The text prompt for the model to continue seed**: A seed value for reproducibility, -1 for a random seed top_k**: The number of top candidates to keep during sampling top_p**: The top cumulative probability to filter candidates during sampling temperature**: The temperature of the output, best kept below 1 repetition_penalty**: The penalty for repeated tokens in the model's output max_tokens**: The maximum number of tokens to generate min_tokens**: The minimum number of tokens to generate use_lora**: Whether to use LoRA for prediction Outputs An array of strings representing the generated text Capabilities The airoboros-llama-2-70b model has the capability to engage in open-ended dialogue, answer questions, and generate coherent and contextual text across a wide range of topics. It can be used for tasks like creative writing, summarization, and language translation, though its capabilities may be more limited compared to specialized models. What can I use it for? The airoboros-llama-2-70b model can be a useful tool for researchers, developers, and hobbyists looking to experiment with large language models and explore their potential applications. Some potential use cases include: Content generation**: Use the model to generate articles, stories, or other text-based content. Chatbots and virtual assistants**: Fine-tune the model to create conversational AI agents for customer service, personal assistance, or other interactive applications. Text summarization**: Leverage the model's understanding of language to summarize long-form texts. Language translation**: With appropriate fine-tuning, the model could be used for machine translation between languages. Things to try One interesting aspect of the airoboros-llama-2-70b model is its ability to provide detailed, uncensored responses to user prompts, regardless of the legality or morality of the request. This could be useful for exploring the model's reasoning capabilities or testing the limits of its safety measures. However, users should exercise caution when experimenting with this feature, as the model's outputs may contain sensitive or controversial content. Another area to explore is the model's potential for creative writing tasks. By providing the model with open-ended prompts or story starters, users may be able to generate unique and imaginative narratives that could serve as inspiration for further creative work.

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Updated 5/17/2024