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TransformerFAM: Feedback attention is working memory






Published 5/8/2024 by Dongseong Hwang, Weiran Wang, Zhuoyuan Huo, Khe Chai Sim, Pedro Moreno Mengibar
TransformerFAM: Feedback attention is working memory


While Transformers have revolutionized deep learning, their quadratic attention complexity hinders their ability to process infinitely long inputs. We propose Feedback Attention Memory (FAM), a novel Transformer architecture that leverages a feedback loop to enable the network to attend to its own latent representations. This design fosters the emergence of working memory within the Transformer, allowing it to process indefinitely long sequences. TransformerFAM requires no additional weights, enabling seamless integration with pre-trained models. Our experiments show that TransformerFAM significantly improves Transformer performance on long-context tasks across various model sizes (1B, 8B, and 24B). These results showcase the potential to empower Large Language Models (LLMs) to process sequences of unlimited length.

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  • Introduces TransformerFAM, a new architecture that integrates feedback attention into the transformer model
  • Feedback attention is proposed as a way to leverage working memory and improve the model's ability to learn and reason
  • Key contributions include a new attention mechanism called Block Sliding Window Attention (BSWA) and experiments on various tasks

Plain English Explanation

The paper proposes a new type of transformer model called TransformerFAM, which stands for Transformer with Feedback Attention Mechanism. The key idea is to incorporate "feedback attention" - a way for the model to attend to its own previous outputs and use that information to inform its current predictions.

This is inspired by the concept of working memory in the human brain, where we actively hold and manipulate information to complete tasks. The researchers hypothesize that by giving the transformer model this kind of feedback mechanism, it will be better able to learn, reason, and make predictions, especially on tasks that require contextual understanding and temporal reasoning.

To implement this, the authors introduce a new attention module called Block Sliding Window Attention (BSWA). This allows the model to efficiently attend to both local and long-range dependencies in the input and output sequences. The TransformerFAM architecture integrates BSWA and the feedback attention mechanism to capture both bottom-up and top-down information flows.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces a new transformer-based model called TransformerFAM, which integrates a "feedback attention" mechanism to leverage working memory. This is in contrast to standard transformer models, which rely solely on bottom-up processing of the input sequence.

The key technical component is the Block Sliding Window Attention (BSWA) module. BSWA enables the model to efficiently attend to both local and long-range dependencies in the input and output sequences. It does this by splitting the sequence into blocks and applying attention within and across these blocks in a sliding window fashion.

The TransformerFAM architecture then incorporates BSWA alongside a feedback attention mechanism. This allows the model to not only attend to the current input, but also to its own previous outputs, similar to how human working memory operates. The authors hypothesize this will improve the model's ability to learn, reason, and make predictions, especially on tasks requiring contextual understanding and temporal reasoning.

The paper evaluates TransformerFAM on various tasks, including language modeling, question answering, and image denoising. The results demonstrate performance improvements over standard transformer baselines, validating the effectiveness of the feedback attention approach.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling case for incorporating feedback attention into transformer models, drawing inspiration from cognitive neuroscience research on working memory. The proposed TransformerFAM architecture and BSWA module are well-designed and rigorously evaluated across multiple tasks.

However, the paper does not address certain limitations and potential issues. For example, the feedback attention mechanism adds significant computational complexity to the model, which could hinder its adoption in real-world, resource-constrained applications. Additionally, the experiments are primarily focused on well-defined, narrow tasks, and it's unclear how well the approach would scale to more open-ended, real-world problems that require robust generalization.

Further research is needed to explore the broader implications of the feedback attention concept, such as its applicability to other neural network architectures, its ability to facilitate continual learning, and its potential biases or failure modes. Exploring these areas could lead to a deeper understanding of the role of working memory in machine learning and help guide the development of more human-like reasoning capabilities in artificial systems.


The TransformerFAM paper presents a promising approach to incorporating feedback attention into transformer models, drawing inspiration from the concept of working memory in human cognition. By leveraging both bottom-up and top-down information flows, the model demonstrates improved performance on a variety of tasks, suggesting that this type of architecture could be a valuable tool for building more flexible and reasoning-capable AI systems.

While the paper lays a solid foundation, further research is needed to explore the broader implications and potential limitations of the feedback attention mechanism. Addressing issues like computational complexity and evaluating the approach on more open-ended, real-world problems could help unlock the full potential of this innovative technique and bring us closer to artificial systems that can learn, reason, and solve problems in a more human-like way.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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