
Maintainer: ai-forever

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Last updated 5/19/2024


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Model Overview

The ruGPT-3.5-13B is a large language model developed by ai-forever that has been trained on a 300GB dataset of various domains, with an additional 100GB of code and legal documents. This 13 billion parameter model is the largest version in the ruGPT series and was used to train the GigaChat model.

Similar models include the mGPT multilingual GPT model, the FRED-T5-1.7B Russian-focused T5 model, and the widely used GPT-2 English language model.

Model Inputs and Outputs


  • Raw Russian text prompts of varying length


  • Continuation of the input text, generating new content in the Russian language


The ruGPT-3.5-13B model demonstrates strong text generation capabilities for the Russian language. It can be used to continue and expand on Russian text prompts, producing fluent and coherent continuations. The model has been trained on a diverse dataset, allowing it to generate text on a wide range of topics.

What Can I Use It For?

The ruGPT-3.5-13B model could be useful for a variety of Russian language applications, such as:

  • Chatbots and conversational agents that can engage in open-ended dialogue in Russian
  • Content generation for Russian websites, blogs, or social media
  • Assistants that can help with Russian language tasks like summarization, translation, or question answering

Things to Try

One interesting thing to try with the ruGPT-3.5-13B model is to experiment with different generation strategies, such as adjusting the number of beams or sampling temperature. This can help produce more diverse or controlled outputs depending on the specific use case.

Another idea is to fine-tune the model on a smaller, domain-specific dataset to adapt it for specialized tasks like generating legal or technical Russian text. The model's large size and broad training make it a strong starting point for further fine-tuning.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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The rugpt3large_based_on_gpt2 is a large language model developed by the SberDevices team at Sber. It was trained on 80 billion tokens of Russian text over 3 epochs, with a final perplexity of 13.6 on the test set. The model architecture is based on GPT-2, but the training focused on Russian language data. Similar models include the FRED-T5-1.7B, a 1.7B parameter model also developed by the AI-Forever team and trained on Russian text, and the ruGPT-3.5-13B, a large 13B parameter Russian language model. Another related model is the mGPT, a multilingual GPT-like model covering 61 languages. Model inputs and outputs The rugpt3large_based_on_gpt2 model is a text-to-text transformer that can be used for a variety of natural language processing tasks. It takes in a sequence of text as input and generates a sequence of text as output. Inputs Text sequence**: A sequence of text to be processed by the model. Outputs Generated text**: The model will generate a sequence of text, continuing or completing the input sequence. Capabilities The rugpt3large_based_on_gpt2 model is capable of generating human-like Russian text given a prompt. It can be used for tasks like story generation, dialogue, and text summarization. The model has also been shown to perform well on language modeling benchmarks for Russian. What can I use it for? The rugpt3large_based_on_gpt2 model could be used for a variety of Russian language applications, such as: Content generation**: Automatically generating Russian text for stories, articles, or dialogues. Text summarization**: Condensing long Russian documents into concise summaries. Dialogue systems**: Building conversational agents that can engage in natural Russian discussions. Language modeling**: Evaluating the probability of Russian text sequences for applications like machine translation or speech recognition. Things to try One interesting aspect of the rugpt3large_based_on_gpt2 model is its ability to generate coherent and contextual Russian text. Experimenting with different prompts and generation settings can yield creative and unexpected outputs. For example, trying prompts that combine different topics or styles could result in unique and imaginative text. Additionally, fine-tuning the model on specific Russian language datasets or tasks could further enhance its capabilities for targeted applications. The large scale of the original training corpus suggests the model has learned rich representations of the Russian language that could be leveraged in novel ways.

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The FRED-T5-1.7B (Full-scale Russian Enhanced Denoisers T5) is a language model developed by SberDevices and based on the T5 architecture. It was trained on a 300GB Russian language corpus and has 24 layers and 1536 hidden size. The model was trained on a mixture of 7 different denoisers, similar to the UL2 model, with several differences. It uses a BBPE tokenizer with 50,257 tokens plus 107 special tokens. The FRED-T5-1.7B model is part of a family of Russian language models developed by the SberDevices team, similar to models like the mGPT which covers 61 languages. The FRED-T5-1.7B focuses specifically on the Russian language and has been enhanced with additional denoising capabilities. Model inputs and outputs Inputs Text**: The model accepts various types of text input, including prompts, tasks, and other natural language text. Prefix tokens**: The model uses a set of six prefix tokens (`, , ..., `) to specify the type of task or output desired. Outputs Text**: The model generates coherent, fluent text outputs in Russian based on the provided inputs and prefix tokens. Capabilities The FRED-T5-1.7B model is capable of a variety of text-to-text tasks in the Russian language, such as language modeling, text generation, and other natural language processing applications. The model's denoising capabilities allow it to generate high-quality, fluent Russian text even when the input is noisy or incomplete. What can I use it for? The FRED-T5-1.7B model can be used for a wide range of Russian language applications, including: Content generation**: Creating Russian-language articles, stories, or other text-based content. Language modeling**: Evaluating and scoring the grammaticality and fluency of Russian text. Text summarization**: Generating concise summaries of longer Russian-language documents. Machine translation**: Translating text between Russian and other languages. The model's versatility and strong performance on a variety of Russian language tasks make it a valuable resource for researchers, developers, and businesses working with Russian text. Things to try One interesting aspect of the FRED-T5-1.7B model is its use of prefix tokens to specify different tasks or output formats. By experimenting with different prefix tokens, you can explore the model's capabilities in areas like language modeling, text generation, and more. For example, you could try using the ` prefix to generate text with a particular style or tone, or the ` prefix to produce text with a specific structure or formatting. Another interesting area to explore is the model's denoising capabilities. By intentionally introducing noise or errors into your input text, you can see how the model handles and corrects these issues, producing high-quality, fluent Russian output.

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The mGPT is a family of autoregressive GPT-like models with 1.3 billion parameters, trained on 61 languages from 25 language families using Wikipedia and Colossal Clean Crawled Corpus. The model was developed by ai-forever and the source code is available on Github. The model reproduces the GPT-3 architecture using GPT-2 sources and the sparse attention mechanism, leveraging the Deepspeed and Megatron frameworks to effectively parallelize the training and inference steps. The resulting models show performance on par with the recently released XGLM models, while covering more languages and enhancing NLP possibilities for low resource languages. Model inputs and outputs Inputs Sequence of text in any of the 61 supported languages Outputs Predicted next token in the input sequence Capabilities The mGPT model is capable of generating text in 61 languages across 25 language families, including low-resource languages. This makes it a powerful tool for multilingual and cross-lingual natural language processing tasks, such as machine translation, text generation, and language understanding. What can I use it for? The mGPT model can be used for a variety of natural language processing tasks, such as text generation, language translation, and language understanding. Researchers and practitioners can use this model as a foundation for building more advanced NLP applications, particularly for working with low-resource languages. For example, the model could be fine-tuned on domain-specific data to create specialized language models for applications in fields like healthcare, finance, or education. Things to try One interesting aspect of the mGPT model is its ability to handle a wide range of languages, including those with very different writing systems and linguistic structures. Researchers could explore the model's cross-lingual capabilities by evaluating its performance on tasks that require understanding and generating text across multiple languages, such as zero-shot or few-shot translation. Additionally, the model's multilingual nature could be leveraged to build language-agnostic NLP systems that can operate seamlessly across languages.

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gpt2 is a transformer-based language model created and released by OpenAI. It is the smallest version of the GPT-2 model, with 124 million parameters. Like other GPT-2 models, gpt2 is a causal language model pretrained on a large corpus of English text using a self-supervised objective to predict the next token in a sequence. This allows the model to learn a general understanding of the English language that can be leveraged for a variety of downstream tasks. The gpt2 model is related to larger GPT-2 variations such as GPT2-Large, GPT2-Medium, and GPT2-XL, which have 355 million, 774 million, and 1.5 billion parameters respectively. These larger models were also developed and released by the OpenAI community. Model inputs and outputs Inputs Text sequence**: The model takes a sequence of text as input, which it uses to generate additional text. Outputs Generated text**: The model outputs a continuation of the input text sequence, generating new text one token at a time in an autoregressive fashion. Capabilities The gpt2 model is capable of generating fluent, coherent text in English on a wide variety of topics. It can be used for tasks like creative writing, text summarization, and language modeling. However, as the OpenAI team notes, the model does not distinguish fact from fiction, so it should not be used for applications that require the generated text to be truthful. What can I use it for? The gpt2 model can be used for a variety of text generation tasks. Researchers may use it to better understand the behaviors, capabilities, and biases of large-scale language models. The model could also be fine-tuned for applications like grammar assistance, auto-completion, creative writing, and chatbots. However, users should be aware of the model's limitations and potential for biased or harmful output, as discussed in the OpenAI model card. Things to try One interesting aspect of the gpt2 model is its ability to generate diverse and creative text from a given prompt. You can experiment with providing the model with different types of starting prompts, such as the beginning of a story, a description of a scene, or even a single word, and see what kind of coherent and imaginative text it generates in response. Additionally, you can try fine-tuning the model on a specific domain or task to see how its performance and output changes compared to the base model.

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